Bold, sexy, and confident—these are some of the qualities associated with bald men. Yet, amid the better-known and much-heralded fashion statement, another theme is emerging: an intriguing part of physical attraction that revolves around a man’s hair, or the lack thereof.
In recent years, increasing attention has turned to men with bald heads. As the buzz grows, this eye-catching conversation piece begs the question: Do women indeed find bald men sexy? We rev down this less-traveled path to shed light on this interesting dialogue.
Table of Contents

The Ubiquity of Hair Loss
Hair loss is not a rare occurrence among men. Statistics reveal that 20% of men in their twenties suffer hair loss, and by age 50, that percentage jumps to a shocking 50%. This unavoidable feature of maturing can start to assert its presence as early as the twenties, making men look for available options to counteract the oncoming signs of baldness.
This journey often begins with men closely examining their hairline for signs of thinning or receding—a personal quest shared by many. The emotional weight of hair loss is substantial as it can significantly impact a man’s self-esteem and overall psychological health.
The Drive to Retain Hair
A deep-seated belief that hair loss may reduce their attractiveness to women is what drives most men to safeguard their luscious mane. Existential dread ensues at the thought of being less appealing to the opposite sex, thus pushing men to explore a myriad of hair-saving tools. Yet worth noting is that these methods may not always yield a positive outcome.
However, breaking this perceived notion are women’s responses. When it comes to what women think about baldness, it seems to rank low as a factor of serious concern. Yes, some women even prefer their men bald—an intriguing paradox to the classic notion of handsomeness and a relief to those striving to halt hair loss.
Women's Views on Baldness
Unlike the ever-evolving trends in hairstyles, women retain a relatively consistent attitude towards bald men. A wide array of research affirms that most women do not regard male baldness as a turn-off. While some hairstyles might attract negative comments from women, an absence of hair is surprisingly not a part of this list.
A recent survey involving 1000 women discovered that an impressive 87% of the female population was positive about the idea of dating a bald man. Only a small percentage perceived baldness as deterring, with the majority emphasizing fitness as a more significant indication of attractiveness.
The Science Behind It
Research conducted in the domain of Social Psychological and Personality Science throws intriguing insights into this narrative. Women were shown digitally manipulated pictures of men, some bearing hair and others without. Remarkably, bald men were attributed to being 13% more assertive, 10% more manly, 6% more confident, and 13% stronger. The lack of hair played a pivotal role in shaping the altered perception of the same men.
A Glimpse at Bald Celebs
Various male celebs have embraced baldness, adding to the charm and charisma they’re known for. Think Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, Bruce Willis, Dwayne Johnson, Patrick Stewart, Tyson Beckford, Kelly Slater, Ed Harris, and Stanley Tucci. You’ll see how acceptance of their bald look amplifies their allure. If you’re curious, see how some of these celebrities might look like with a hairline.
If you’re already rocking the bald look and loving it, more power to you! On the flip side, if you’re not satisfied with it and seek to frame your face, consider getting scalp micropigmentation from Elegant SMP.
The Power of Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP)
Scalp Micropigmentation, or SMP, is a viable solution for those unwilling to accept a receding hairline or thinning hair. This innovative, non-invasive technique is likened to a scalp tattoo. It preserves existing hair follicles while creating the illusion of thicker, fuller hair and smoothly covers any bald spots.
Here at Elegant SMP, we employ the best equipment and techniques in the industry to satisfy our clients, ensuring they leave pleased with their new look. SMP caters to a diverse audience, from those witnessing complete baldness to those in the early stages of thinning hair. The results are as permanent as they are natural-looking, ensuring you always feel confident about showcasing a look that brings you ultimate satisfaction.
Addressing the Areas of Concern
In addition to camouflaging hair loss, SMP can address other scalp imperfections such as scar tissue, blemishes, or burns. If there’s any facet of your scalp’s appearance that you’d like to improve, get in touch. Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our highly skilled technicians to explore possibilities of enhancing your appearance.
Secrets About What Women Really Want
Understanding female attraction towards bald men reminds us of a book by John Gottman— “The Man’s Guide to Women: Scientifically Proven Secrets from the Love Lab About What Women Really Want,” a helpful read for anyone wishing to delve deeper into understanding an array of factors contributing to attractiveness.
At the heart of such research, it becomes overwhelmingly clear that attractiveness extends far beyond the physical aspects. Confidence, personality, and aura count substantially, emphasizing the validity and appeal of bald men. Hair loss shouldn’t let you down. Embrace your look and if desired, seek the solutions that resonate with your personal style and comfort.
The Conclusion
If hair loss has become your reality, remember that it does not define your attractiveness. The allure of being a bald man transcends societal trends to establish an enduring, sexy confidence. Unveil your best self with Elegant SMP located in Buffalo, NY, the premier destination for a natural-looking scalp micropigmentation treatment using industry-leading techniques and equipment to give you the best results possible.
Whilst you're in our beautiful city of Buffalo, NY, consider exploring our recommended places to visit.
To further discuss scalp micropigmentation as your answer to thinning hair or balding, don’t hesitate to contact us at Elegant SMP. We are devoted to helping you embrace your most authentic self and feel your best.